Please make sure you have completed the following registration tasks:
Online Registration in Skyward Family Access
Register for Amarillo College Dual Credit (if applicable)-See CHS website/Counseling/Dual Credit for instructions
Upload documents (parent/guardian’s driver’s license AND a current proof of residency) in Skyward Family Access-after 7/1/22
Pay any applicable fees on ‘My Payments Plus’
IF you need help completing any of these tasks, we will be available to help on Thursday, July 28, at Midway High School (1401 23rd St) from 3:30-6:00 OR Friday, July 29, from 8:30-12:00. These times are for all CHS grade levels. Please call CHS at 677-2740 if you have questions. Dual credit help with Amarillo College only available during the PM session on July 28.